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Postpanatal Yoga for Mums - 6 wk Worcs

Mondays 3-4pm

Starts 24 Feb
60 British pounds
Ombersley Road

Available spots

Course Description

Suitable after your 8 week postnatal checkup or 12 weeks after a c section. This is a postnatal vinyasa (flowing) yoga class focused all on the mums…But… you can bring your baby with you to the class. The centre of the space is filled with toys and cosy blankets for babies to play in while the mamas practice. Sometimes babies stay close to their mamas mats, or sometimes they come into the middle with the other babies, even though this class is for mums, its very much baby led too and they benefit from lots of social interaction, and visual stimulation and entertainment. Feel free to rock, change, feed your baby at any time. We focus on gently rebuilding strength and flexibility, smoothing out aches and pains often associated with caring for newborns (lots of achy shoulders and backs!) We bring our attention back to ourselves using the breath as a tool for self awareness and refilling our cups! Zoe is trained in Postnatal Yoga Rehab and so the class is a chance to realign your posture, rebuild strength and start to heal.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Reservation & Payment Bookings on any classes are only secured once full payment of the applicable course fee has been processed. Prices are correct as they appear on the website. Prices may change occasionally and offers may be available for a limited time. Cancellation All amounts paid in respect of a booking are non-refundable, except in the event that a course that is booked does not take place or is cancelled by Zoe Meachem, in which case a pro rata refund may be issued. No refunds can be issued for cancellation by a course participant although Zoe may, in their sole and absolute discretion, offer a full or pro rata refund (as applicable) in exceptional circumstances. All of our group courses require a minimum number of participants to run. If for any reason these numbers are not reached you will be notified and entitled to a full refund.


  • Ombersley Road Methodist Church, Ombersley Road, Worcester WR3 7BW, UK

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