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New Beginnings


Happy first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, AKA Spring Equinox.

Although lots of people associate January 1st as the start of the New Year. For those of us who tune into the rhythms of the natural world, the spring equinox, today, is marked as the start of a new annual cycle, the first day of spring. 

Light is in perfect balance of night and day and will now gradually tip towards more and more light as we move towards the Summer Solstice (midsummer).

We are now moving out of the hibernation, drawing in, the resting phase of Autumn/Winter (yin energy) and moving towards more and more yang energy of the spring and summer, more light, growth and expansive energy.

We’ve all been noticing with welcome relief the signs of spring in nature. The buds coming in on the trees, the shoots rising up out of the ground. Can you notice a shift in you also? As we move from the sleepy urge to rest and ruminate on plans, to a more outwardly, energetic feel, as we come out of our winter phase and push forwards in new directions in our lives. 

The spring equinox is nature's fresh new start of the seasonal cycle. Our ancestors noticed this as the start of Aries season, when the energy is fast, strong, sparky, like the igniting of a flame. It’s fast moving, “go get em” energy. Do you know anyone with strong Aries qualities? People born around now embody these warrior, pushing forward traits in their unique energy signature.

So, bringing this back to birth now. Aries rules the top of the head, the part of humans that is usually born first. The glyph is that of a ram, but you can also see this shape echoed in nature as the shoots on new plant life push up and out, also along the outline of our noses and eyebrows. Aries has a fresh, innocent feel, no holding back, just pure movement, spark and energy. It’s the baby of the zodiac, when there is a burst of energy and new life to shift us out from the slumber of winter and the dreaminess of pisces season.

You might notice a shift within your perception and energy levels around now too. Perhaps waking up in the morning is a little easier. Perhaps you have revitalised energy for projects and things you want to move forwards. Maybe you have been contemplating things during winter which now are ready to push out into the world. I know that's been the case for me. If you look at nature now is the time lots of babies are born too.

Some of us feel a desire to spring clean and get rid of the old to make space for the new. At this point in the seasonal cycle, more light comes into our homes and we notice dust that's gathered over winter, and we now finally (might) have the energy to get rid of the dust. Make changes and create new growth for ourselves, our families, projects.

If you feel drawn to connect more with the feeling of Aries, its energetic quality. Try waking up to witness a sunrise. There is pure Aries energy at sunrise, it happens every day. We also get libra energy at the autumn equinox and libra energy every evening at sun set. Libra is all about beauty and aesthetics, so it’s no coincidence that the sunsets are so beautiful as we experience the golden hour of soft sunlight during this time and throughout September and October too.

Lots of you will be awake early with your babies and children or perhaps throughout your pregnancy when sleep can get disturbed. You could try embracing the early mornings as a chance to connect with the sunrise, with Aries and with that burst of energy to help you feel a drive to move things forwards.

I hope you are feeling some shoots of new beginnings, change and movements in new directions to fulfill your heart's desires this Spring equinox.

Much love

Zoe x

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